sábado, 11 de novembro de 2017

Liberdade Online: loja de presentes


Liberdade Online: loja online de presentes do bairro da Liberdade/SP! Aqui você encontra tudo direto do Bairro Oriental mais famoso da América Latina! LEQUES DE MADEIRA, SOMBRINHAS JAPONESAS, BISCOITOS DA SORTE, GARRAFAS TÉRMICAS, ESPADAS DE SAMURAI, CAIXAS MUSICAIS.

sexta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2017

Exodus Now Supports Bitcoin Cash

Exodus Now Supports Bitcoin Cash

URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/766ojz/exodus_now_supports_bitcoin_cash/

As you may know, 3 days after the Bitcoin Cash hard fork, Exodus introduced a way to claim your Bitcoin Cash. A few weeks later, we introduced Eden, an advanced wallet for those who don't need support - this wallet included Bitcoin Cash support. Now we're pleased to share that Exodus now has Bitcoin Cash support: https://www.exodus.io/releases/

We'd love your feedback.

submitted by /u/jprichardson
[link] [comments]

domingo, 24 de setembro de 2017

Assistência Técnica em Informática (Cachoeira do Sul/RS)


Do site: "Dou suporte aos Sistemas Operacionais Windows e GNU/Linux Ubuntu. Atendo a Cidade de Cachoeira do Sul / Rio Grande do Sul.
Atendo todos os dias , de domingo a domingo em qualquer horário".


terça-feira, 15 de agosto de 2017

DasVPS.com Officially Accepts Bitcoin Cash

DasVPS.com Officially Accepts Bitcoin Cash

URL: https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/6tt6ia/dasvpscom_officially_accepts_bitcoin_cash/

Last weekend a member of this community started a discussion stating that we, DasVPS.com, planned on accepting Bitcoin Cash after seeing us show interest in implementing it in another thread. It had always been our goal to adopt Bitcoin Cash as quickly as possible, but seeing the level of support this community gave us, it really motivated us to kick things into overdrive and implement a method of accepting Bitcoin Cash as soon as possible. I'm happy to announce that as of today we have implemented a permanent solution for accepting Bitcoin cash for all of our products.

With the help of Rocketr.net, a plugin for our pre-existing billing system was developed that will allow them to process Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Etherium payments for us.

I am thrilled that we will be supporting Bitcoin Cash so early, and DasVPS look forward to seeing it thrive as a crypto.

Also, for those who don't know us. DasVPS.com is a provider of Virtual Private Servers(VPS) for hosting websites, applications, and other content on the web. We are a small company, but offer competitive pricing and top rate support on all of our products. If you're looking for a specific plan and don't see it on our website, let us know and we will try to accommodate your needs. We're big fans of cryptos and have been supporters of both Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash from early on. Thank you for showing us the support that you have over the last few days, we really do appreciate it.

submitted by /u/-DasVPS-
[link] [comments]

domingo, 9 de julho de 2017

High-end car rental service Lurento announces bitcoin payment option

High-end car rental service Lurento announces bitcoin payment option

URL: https://www.cryptoninjas.net/2017/07/09/high-end-car-rental-service-lurento-announces-bitcoin-payment-option/

Lurento, a marketplace for high-end car rental recently announced it has added bitcoin as a payment option. Discerning travelers can now rent luxury and sports cars in 70 cities in Europe and, for the...

High-end car rental service Lurento announces bitcoin payment option was published on CryptoNinjas.

sexta-feira, 23 de junho de 2017

Bitcoin Accounts for 10 Percent of Orders at Austria’s Yipbee

Bitcoin Accounts for 10 Percent of Orders at Austria's Yipbee

URL: https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-accounts-for-10-percent-of-orders-at-austrias-yipbee

Wholesale goods reseller Yipbee now gets 10% of orders with Bitcoin via BitPay, while investors contribute around €1 million.

quarta-feira, 26 de abril de 2017

Shimperist: aquarismo com Bitcoin

A Shimperist vende acessórios para aquarismo, camarões ornamentais, plantas etc e aceita Bitcoin!

Confiram também a página do Facebook:

sábado, 8 de abril de 2017

Bitcoins serão aceitos em shopping do Recife

"A meta para que todas as lojas do Paço aceitem a moeda é até 2018. Para isso, foi incluída uma cláusula no contrato de unidades no shopping a partir de janeiro deste ano, que avisa que todas as marcas instaladas lá deverão aceitar bitcoins. “Essa é a moeda do futuro e nosso conceito é ser o shopping do futuro. Não tem uma região melhor em Pernambuco para iniciar essa experiência do que no Bairro do Recife, onde existe o maior polo tecnológico da América Latina, que é o Porto Digital”, explica Hélio Azevedo, superintendente do Paço".


Paying With Bitcoin at Bic Camera in Tokyo

Bic Camera walkthrough

Enquanto isso no Japão, a rede de lojas "Bic Camera" começou a aceitar Bitcoin. Veja o vídeo para ver o interior de uma das lojas. E quem estiver no Japão e quiser comprar Bitcoin, veja aqui:


segunda-feira, 6 de março de 2017

quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2017